Bring an End to Negative Thoughts, Destructive Behaviour & Uncontrolled Emotions.


    We carry baggage that weighs us down in our day to day lives, but this burden doesn’t always start with us.

    Unresolved family trauma experienced by earlier generations is passed down and unknowingly repeats through unwanted behaviours, intrusive thoughts and unhelpful patterns in our own lives.


    The Inherited Trauma Centre offers a technique that indentifies the root of the traumas in your blood lines and frees you from their effects - providing a FAST and LASTING solution.

    Sessions take between 2 and 3 hours, they are non intrusive and usually just one session is sufficient for a permanent change.

  • Find Out How We Can Relieve:

    • Compulsive Behaviour

    • Uncontrolled Anexiety

    • Destructive Patterns

    • Persistant Blocks In Life

    • Dissatisfaction in Relationships

    And Much More…

Watch Our Interview at the Trauma Super Conference

Find out how our process works and how others experienced the work we offer.

Inherited Trauma Release

How Inherited Trauma Affects Us All

Discover how our inner battles begin before we’re born

Take Control Of Your Emotions

Learn the remarkable benefits of Inherited Trauma Release

Our technique has an emphasis on genuine and lasting change for our clients. Find out what others have said about our Inherited Trauma Release process and how it has transformed their lives: