Our Process: How It Works


The Trauma We Unknowingly Inherit

Inherited Trauma [ or Transgenerational Trauma ] is one of the main causes of unhelpful negative thoughts and uncontrolled behaviours plaguing millions of us.

A new and emerging field in psychology, difficult or harrowing life events experienced by past generations don’t end there, but the psychological impact is passed down family lines.

These remnants are inherited in a silent, covert way and reinforced by family attitudes and behaviour.

The unprocessed trauma manifests in many different ways and to differing intensities. It includes:

  • Hyper-vigilance

  • Mistrust in relationships

  • High anxiety

  • Triggering to rage or frustration

  • Depression

  • Panic attacks

  • Nightmares

  • A sensitive fight or flight response

  • Aloofness

  • A lack of control over your life

  • Compulsions

  • Issues with self-esteem and self-confidence

    and many more...

In the Inherited Trauma Release process we locate the ancestors in your family lines who experienced the original root-traumas and facilitate a movement that releases this from from your system.

The result is a restoration of calm and an ability to think, feel, make decisions and take action with clarity and confidence, opening up new possibilities and trajectories in life.

More on Inherited Trauma at Health.com


How A Session Works

The Inherited Trauma Release process works by locating the individuals in a family tree at the source of ancestral trauma and releasing it from the family system.

It works on an energetic level and feels similar to the energy movements in Reiki, bringing about a lasting feeling of calm as the process takes place.

You may come with just one or a range of issues, blocks in life to happiness or difficult emotional or mental expressions you wish to change or move on from.

The process is led by the facilitator and takes place via Zoom.

Once the process has begun, the locations in your family of the ancestral traumas that are held by you can be identified. This is accompanied by a description of the way these traumas express and how the patterns, feelings, behaviours and emotions behind them are felt.

By bringing them to awareness and leading you through a series of steps using language and intention, these expressions are released and brought to a permanent close. This allows you to move on from these patterns, bringing about a feeling of agency and control, and enabling a series of new possibilities to open up.

During the process, you are able to feel the energetic movements and feelings held by you as they are seen, moved and brought to a close. Once complete, you are able to continue with your day albeit with a renewed perspective and sense of calm.

Who Is The Process Suitable For?

The Inherited Trauma Release process is suitable for everyone who wishes to have a calmer mind and to have more control and agency over thoughts, actions and situations that keep repeating themselves or which appear to be inescapable, despite our best efforts.

We each suffer different levels of compulsion, resistance and frustration that can preoccupy us unhelpfully and achieve very little.

This process leads to a calming of much that we struggle to control within our own thoughts and our actions. It brings about a clarity in how to move through difficulties and situations with greater ease, allowing us to go towards what genuinely fulfils us and makes us happy.