The Benefits Of Inherited Trauma Release

Here are some of the ways our process can affect change in your life

  • A Calmer Mind

    A clearer and less distracted inner voice, that doesn’t cycle with uncontrolled thoughts such as regrets, anger, frustration or questions of self worth.

  • Fewer Triggers & Activations

    A more continuous and centred feeling of calm and acceptance that grows from the day the work takes place. Actions, mishaps or individuals that once triggered are much less burdensome.

  • Control of Compulsive Behaviour

    A loss of interest in compulsive habits, behaviours and actions that are unwanted. The process removes the ancestral trauma that originally gives rise to these.

  • Reducing Stress & Worry

    Not all stress or worry can be bad. When it’s uncontrolled, persistant or illogical or when you go about creating it without genuine need, it can be related to past trauma. This process calms worry and stress that have no logical place in your life.

  • Feeling Less Distracted

    An improved ability to focus more clearly and be less distracted by tasks and activities that don’t lead to fulfilment. This comes with a clarity over your choice of direction.

  • Clarity in Friendships

    The process allows you to see dynamics in your friendships and close relationships, free from past family habits. It allows interactions with others to be less misunderstood.

  • Removes Blocks to Relationships

    Breaks unconscious patterns that prevent you meeting a life partner or unconsciously sabotaging your chances from the outset. It clears any repeated actions that come from family trauma.

  • Eases Family Tensions

    Breaks negative emotional patterns between you and your siblings, children, parents and other family members.

  • Positive Future Outlook

    A move towards more positive aspirations for the future and for what might be ahead in life.

  • Clarity at Work

    An improved ability to navigate and feel more in control at work.

If there are other specific issues you wish to address, not mentioned here, contact us for a free consultation. We can identify if what you’re requiring help with can be eased using our process.  If not, we’ll tell you.