Testimonials: What Our Clients Say About Us

“Working with Jonny’s process means that you can gently shift past trauma and patterns of behaviour that, up to that time, have governed emotional responses without your knowledge. I found that my energy levels sky-rocketed soon after the first session and I became increasingly aware of my triggers in certain situations, which gave me an ability to stand-apart from them and not react in a knee-jerk fashion.

The process continues and I look forward to working personally with Jonny in the future and referring my TV clients to him” 

— Linda Green, Director of Leading Creative Talent Ltd.

“I've gained control of my temper, childhood trauma and gained a new strength in focusing on what I want in life. I only wish I met you sooner. I've recommended at least five friends and have received nothing but fantastic feedback. I'm more in control of my life thanks to you..”

— Ross B.

“For most my life I have attracted destructive & controlling individuals, who initially appeared to hold deeply connected relationships with me, (both business and personal) & I could not understand why they turned toxic. It left me feeling confused & let down by people, but also doubting myself & my judgement of character.

I heard of the inherited trauma release process & after trying many other forms of therapy I had to nothing to lose. I was amazed that after one session I had clarity, as if my eyes had been opened for the first time. I could see my relationships & others behaviour for what it was. I was able to disengage from the manipulators & their dominance, leaving me clear, feeling calm & in control of my life.

This process has transformed my life, my relationships & my happiness.”

— Linda M.

“This might sound unbelievable… because it is. I took the plunge to see if it could unearth any clues to repeating patterns in my life - I could watch them happening but could not understand why and neither could I control them.

Once the process began, it’s as if someone opened the lid of my brain and scooped out my innermost thoughts - all the deepest fears insecurities I had not even admitted to myself - and Jonathan (the facilitator) gave them context and reason. With that context, I am now able to reflect and stand back rather than be a reactive passenger to my emotions.

Take the plunge because you really don’t have anything to loose and don’t worry if you chortle along the way or think only half of it makes sense - you’ll stop chortling in your tracks, that’s for sure. It will give you a clarity and understanding that might just change your life, like it has mine.”

— A. B.

“Working with Jonathan has been nothing short of life changing for me. I feel a deep sense of connection to myself that has allowed me to express myself and show up in the world with love, integrity and self awareness. I feel so much more present and able to really connect with the truth of who I am. I found my voice and I’m loving advocating for myself in the best way possible.”

— Amanda S.

“I found Jonny's website about "inherited trauma release" after purchasing Mark Wolynn's Workbook to accompany his book: "It Didn't Start With You, But It Can End With You."

Frankly, I was wary of Jonny's claim to have his "Inherited Trauma Release Process" work in just 1 session. We did a free intro session by Zoom for about 20 minutes and I decided to try it. We met by Zoom for 3 hours, with also a follow-up session for 2 hours. The total cost was $125 English Pounds (about $160 USD.) I was impressed by Jonny's generosity of time and the quality of information I received through him from my ancestors.

Since the early death of my mom in my early 20's, I've been trying to gather family genogram history for 44 years! Sadly, people in my immediate and extended family, would NOT discuss my concerns about possible sexual incest, mental illness, etc. I have been relentlessly trying to explore resources to resolve my unanswered questions about my family history without much support or information. I was grateful and relieved that Jonny's Inherited Trauma Release Process answered my questions. At the end of our 3-hour Zoom session I told him: "It feels finished. . . I am at peace!" I also felt relieved to know that "I wasn't crazy" about the nagging feelings and thoughts that I had about our family history that NO ONE would talk about.”

- Susie W.